March 11, 2016


If absent today or yesterday, plan to arrive in class Monday after the break with a finished essay printed and ready to go.

Check your printer options at the start of class to know if you have an option other than “One Note” on your computer.  If only One Note is available, leave time to allow for moving to a different computer to log in and print before class ends.

Finish typing the paper, reviewing it, editing it, revising it, and  then print it; BE SURE TO FOLLOW THE DIRECTIONS TO AVOID PRINTING ON BOTH SIDES.

If any questions arise, please text 405-509-9798, and I will try to reply immediately.  Please inform the sub before pulling out a cell phone.

Refer to yesterday’s link for directions pertaining to completing the second district timed writing.


March 10, 2016 – Read Everything Before Writing DTW #2

Were you absent yesterday when the outline and prompts were provided in class?  If so, visit yesterday’s link for the handout other students are using to guide today’s writing.  Below, there are links to the list of transitions and the handout containing details to write an introduction and conclusion.

District Timed Writing #2 – Step-by-Step Directions

Formatting the Paper Before Writing

  1. Double space the entire document before typing
  2. Save OFTEN
  3. MLA heading – use # in place of first and last name

Writing the PaperSee the Rubric Here!  Focus on the “Exemplary” column of the rubric.

  1. Write the four to five paragraph essay.
  2. Within each body paragraph, highlight on the computer the sentence(s) or portion of any sentence considered the concrete detail.

Post Writing

  1. Edit and revise.  Double-check for errors!
    1. topic sentences and closing sentences
    2. thesis statement
    3. word choice (verbs especially, adjectives, adverbs)
    4. run-ons and fragments
    5. sentence beginnings and sentence types
    6. transitions
    7. POV always remains 3rd person
    8. MLA heading and good title
  2. To Print – Once “File” and “Print” or the printer icon shortcut has been clicked, change the option for “Printing on Both Sides” to the one that will allow for “Printing One Side Only”.
  3. Staple the essay with the outline behind, and turn in tomorrow before class ends Friday.
  4. Save to the computer or a flash drive.
  5. Stay quiet and please afford your neighbors the same quiet environment.

District Timed Writing #2 Prompts 2016

Introduction and Conclusion Handout

Transitions and Transitional Expressions