Today – Read the slides below for today’s work and the homework; we did not finish the literary elements vocab notes, and it is not homework.
Practice independence! – Follow all directions below and ask questions along the way for clarification. Good luck!
Were you absent Friday when the mock prompt and paragraph were provided in class and have yet to review them, or do you simply need to look again? If so, visit Friday’s link before beginning today’s writing but hurry.
Deadline – TWA #1 must be in Mr. Thompson’s hands within 35 minutes of the tardy bell starting class.
Technical Writing Assignment #1 – Step-by-Step Directions
Students should report directly to the library with a final draft, either hand-written or on a flash drive, ready to format, type, print, and highlight within twenty-five minutes. Though there will be some time to make slight changes while typing, it is likely a student will miss the deadline if the paper is not in better shape than the draft brought to class on Friday.
Remember there is a mock prompt and paragraph similar in structure to TWA #1 online for review and guidance.
Text any questions to 405-509-9798 or reply to Remind.