Category Archives: Daily Lessons

February 8, 2016

Grades will be earned today on the sources listed and note cards made in Noodle Tools; in addition, students will show the highlighting of the Works Cited page and Day Two Handout for a third grade.

Step 1 – Students will highlight each different source in a color of his or her choosing, similar to how we numbered them after printing Friday; afterward, students will highlight each concrete detail to match its source highlight color, similar to how we matched numbers Friday.  Proceed to Step 3 if not able to complete this currently.

Step 2 – Students are expected to draft the introduction to the research essay and arrive in class tomorrow with it.  Include an effective attention grabber and thesis; click Introduction and Conclusion Paragraph 2015  for the handout.  Complete Step 1 before Step 2.

Step 3 – We are returning to the computers today in order to allow anyone still needing more time a chance to finish.  Follow the directions for the Day 4 Reminders and the specifics shared in the February 5, 2016 – Finalizing Paper Post.

Click here if you need the Noodle Tools Guide 2016 guide.

February 5, 2016

Students will continue Thursday’s work to finalize the research process.

What should I have to be ready for Monday?

  1.  Day Two Handout showing all concrete details.
  2. All sources cited in Noodle Tools, a minimum of three from comprised of at least two different types.
  3. All concrete details in note cards attached to the specific source from which each originated.
  4. Double-Check Noodle Tools for Accuracy
    1. spelling and capitalization for each source entry
    2. shared with Thompson in the correct hour
    3. project title includes the “topic” with date and month
    4. page numbers from print source
    5. permalinks from EBSCO for source citation
  5. Print a draft of the Works Cited
    1. go to Bibliography
    2. click “print/export” to Word
    3. follow the on-screen prompts
  6. # each source by hand 1 thru ? on the works cited
  7. On the Day Two handout, notate (write) the corresponding # of the source to any detail originating from that source.

Day 4 Reminders

Noodle Tools 2016